Star Wars the Old Republic

APR 4, 2012
Everything you wanted to know about SWTOR patch 1.2 but were afraid to ask!
APR 4, 2012
Patch 1.2 update featuring Anyday!
MAR 3, 2012
Towelliee visits the SWTOR public test server to showcase the new user interface customization!
MAR 3, 2012
Anyday from Ruin Gaming provides a comprehensive Sage DPS guide for SWTOR patch 1.1!
MAR 3, 2012
Larue from Ruin Gaming provides an in depth Scoundrel Guide!
FEB 2, 2012
Hengest releases the fourth episode of SWTOR Warzone guides!
FEB 2, 2012
SWTOR officially launches in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore on March 1st, 2012!
FEB 2, 2012
Spyder and Ruin Gaming discuss needed user interface changes in Star Wars: The Old Republic
FEB 2, 2012
Bioware releases the SWTOR Valentine’s Day patch. Warzone wins are now finally properly awarded.
FEB 2, 2012
Ayin presents SWTOR Datacron location guides!