Star Wars the Old Republic

JAN 1, 2012
Fixing pvp, operations and UI customization – interview with Totalhalibut!
JAN 1, 2012
Ruin Gaming presents SWTOR News! Ft. Michael Western!
JAN 1, 2012
Hengest and Ruin Gaming present Eternity Vault “Ancient Pylon” (8-man)
JAN 1, 2012
Hengest and Ruin Gaming present Bonesthrasher 8 player mode!
JAN 1, 2012
SWTOR PvP featuring Hengest!
JAN 1, 2012
Maximumpanda presents Hard Mode Annihilation Droid XRR-3 Operations Guide!
JAN 1, 2012
Hengest, Towelliee & Ruin Gaming take down the World Boss “Gargath” on Planet Hoth!
JAN 1, 2012
Part 1 of Vanguard Trooper PvP Warzones!
JAN 1, 2012
Gamespy names SWTOR MMO of the year!
JAN 1, 2012
Play by play Huttball featuring Awall!